Welcome 2022, a fresh new year, with new goals, new house, new province and a new lifestyle.. entrepreneurship. I'm putting some life back into my poor neglected blog that will I will be posting about my shop, Victory Stitches & sewing projects, but also about life around here.
Our House in Hillsborough New Brunswick
To start here is a little about me. I grew up in Milton Ontario, a small farming town close to Toronto.. until the water supply came in from lake Ontario.. the farming town exploded and it was not the small town I grew up in. I love cities, but would rather visit one then live in one.. (exception is London.. I could live in London!) We raised our daughters there, who both decided they had enough and moved when they became adults.
I have always been crafty. I knit, crochet, sew & embroider. I used to do a lot of beading too. My influences are Cath Kidston & Tilda with anything 1930s -1950s tossed in. I love history (1920-1940s political, wartime, Homefront, military and aviation) Im a huge airplane nerd, we have a voodoo here in the village as a static display and its awesome :D
Me in the bomb bay of a B29 Liberator. I will miss the Warplane museum dearly.
This is a slab of the Berlin wall outside the Imperial war museum in London taken in 2018. It is my phone background, it spoke to me then, glad it did.
Through out the pandemic hubby and I both worked in our offices in essential jobs. He at a car dealership me in what I like to call the underworld.. the world that keeps us fed, delivers our goods, makes all of our products and gets no credit what-so-ever. I worked in industrial automation specializing in sensors that are in more machinery then you can count, machinery that has to be up and running in all sectors of the supply chain across North America. In those sectors we went to work every day like ghosts. I loved it. But like many others throughout the last 2 years, a lot of realization hit hard and you wake up to realized your under appreciated, under paid, and no hope for any promotions .. its time to make a change. So we did. We packed up and moved to the East coast. Its beautiful here and we are very glad we did it. We can breath again.
I started my little shop online in 2018 after finding getting EPP supplies rather hard in Canada. I tried a few brands but Sue Daley papers won out, they last, they are sturdy, I have used some well over 100 times and they keep going. Its also supporting another creative entrepreneur. Sue Daley invented the glue pen, put out many different shapes and really brought the craft forward. From her papers and templates my shop was born. The shop now carries Riley Blake, Liberty of London, Linen, Embroidery Kits, Lori Holts Chunky Thread (cotton yarn), tones of notions & more. There is an old shack outside that we are hoping to turn into a shop, Im really hoping for spring, but we will have to see when the quote comes in. For now Im shipping and doing curbside pickup.
Time to get sewing!
Cheers! Vall